New Book: Marcel Duchamp’s Last day on earth
Posted: January 31, 2019“After pondering his paintings and ephemeral works for years, I thought I knew about all there was to know about Marcel Duchamp. Evidently not…….50th anniversary of Duchamp’s death, entitled Duchamp’s Last Day. It provides ….” READ MORE [Joseph Nechvatal’s story found on Hyperallergic]
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No more estate income? Marcel Duchamp’s “Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors” now copyright-free
Posted: January 31, 2019As of  January 1, 2019 "anyone can freely read, cite, or republish...Marcel Duchampâ€..
Dadarts.com has interesting Duchampian photos
Posted: April 29, 2012
Alec Nevala-Lee, author inspired by Duchamp
Posted: March 3, 2012Alec Nevala-Lee blogs about when the Duchamp inspiration struck: "While doing rese..
The Marcel Duchamp World Community Web Site offers a neutral, unbiased, internet location for the meeting and exchange of ideas among the international community of people interested in Marcel Duchamp studies. The site welcomes news, events, publications, papers -- anything related to Marcel Duchamp and his larger circle of friends in Dada and Surrealism.

John Cage: "Music for Marcel Duchamp" (1947) Video uploaded by zoomoozophone on Jun 30, 2008. Armin Fuchs..

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